Thursday May 27

Tomorrow is AM Kindergarten.  We will be going on a community walk.  Please make sure your child has comfortable walking shoes and is dressed for the weather.  Please pack your child with a small pocket sized snack that your child can carry with them to eat in the middle of our walk.  We will have additional time back at school for more snacking if needed.

We had music and library today.  If you have not returned your coloured folders that were sent home prior to online learning, please return them ASAP.  We would like everyone to get new home reading books on Monday.  Thanks!

We practiced writing numbers 1-10 focusing on printing them from the top to bottom and watching for reversals. Practice writing or making numbers at home by using chalk, paint, playdough, loose parts or nature items. 

We worked on math problems today.  We talked about strategies to help us solve problems, such as drawing pictures, using our fingers to count, using counters or a number line.  We practiced writing the math sentence to go with our problems.

We had gym outside and played at the playground. 


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