Wednesday February 24

Today was pink shirt day at school.  Thank you to everyone who wore a pink shirt and helped us to remember to be kind everyday!

We worked on the letter V today.  We practiced printing V and turned the V into a vase with flowers.

We read, " Pink is for Boys" and talked about how colours are for everyone regardless of our gender. We talked about how we can show kindness to others and how we should treat others.

We then mixed white and red to create our own colour pink and named our pink colour. 

We learned about 3D shapes and talked about the differences between 2D and 3D shapes. How can you tell the difference between a 2D and 3D shape? Ask your child to describe how they know what kind of shape it is. Can you find examples of 2D and 3D at home?

Friday is AM kindergarten. 

Please practice our penguin song at home:

                                PM Kindergarten please practice our penguin poem at home :) 

If I were a penguin I would dive in the water.

I'd swing and eat fish, squid and krill.

If I were a penguin,

I'd keep my egg safe.

I'd protect it for two months from winters chill.

If I were a penguin,

I'd wear black and white and belly slide down hills.

If I were a penguin, 

I'd waddle to the ocean on a hot or cold day. 


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