Tuesday January 26

 Today was a super day at school.  We started the day by drawing and writing in our journals.  We continue to work on 5 star drawing, creating pictures that are detailed with colors that make sense.  We are trying to write the beginning sounds we hear in words and some of us are writing sentences to go with our pictures.

We learned about the life cycle of the penguin today.  We read the story The Emperor's Egg by Martin Jenkins. We talked about each stage of the life cycle.  Then we all became dad penguins and had a penguin egg (a bean bag) to take care of.  We learned that it is very hard to be a dad penguin carrying your egg on your feet wherever you go.

We had centers today.  Please ask your child what center they played with.

We played in the gym with Mr. Der today.

There is no school on Friday as it is a PD day.

We hope everyone had a chance to read some of their home reading last night!


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