Monday December 14

Important Information:  As we prepare to transition to online learning for the week of January 5-8, 2021 (January 4th is a PD Day), each child will require a pencil, eraser, coloring tools (crayons, markers, or pencil crayons), scissors, a glue stick and plain paper (this could be a journal or loose sheets of paper is fine).  If you have these items for your child, can you please organize them over the holidays so that your child is ready with their supplies on Jan 5th.  If you do not have access to these items at home, please email your child's teacher and we will make arrangements to send items home.  Thank you for your support as we transition to online learning.  More information will be coming this week as to the organization of online learning for Kindergarten.

Today at school we read the story The Joyful Book by Todd Parr.  We talked and drew about what makes each one of us joyful.  At school we made a class Joyful book for you all to enjoy!  If you are at home please have your child draw a picture of what makes them joyful.  Please help them to sound out copy words to complete the sentence "____________ makes me joyful." on a piece of paper.  Make sure to add your name to your picture.  Parents, please email a picture of your child's work at home to your teacher and we will make sure to add it to our class book.

Storytime 10:40-11:00am. For those of you who are home, we will be offering story time each day this week from 10:40-11:00am.  Please join us on a Google Meet using the code: ehsstorytime .  Please log onto Google Meet using your child's educbe.ab email address that was sent home with your child last week.  Mrs. Mask and Mrs. Conley will take turns meeting our friends who are at home to share a couple of stories.  If your child is at home and it is their show and tell this week, please have them bring their item to story time to share on their show and tell day.  

If you require assistance for the google meet, please click on the link for step by step instructions Google Meet Information

We had music with Mrs. Coulson and gym with Mr. Der.  Please ask your child what they did in gym and music.  For those of you at home, please check out the blogs below to see what the students are working on at school.

Mrs. Coulson's  Music Blog

Mr. Der's Phys Ed Blog

Math - Mystery Counting 

Materials: a brown bag or similar bag that is non-transparent, 10-20 small objects to put inside bag

I can...

  • Count to 10
  • Understand that the last number in a count represents the total number of objects
  • Show numbers 2 to 10 with different objects and pictures

Put some objects into a brown lunch bag or a non-transparent fabric bag. Let your child reach into the bag and try to count the objects without looking. Take the objects out and count. You can turn it into a game by taking turns making a mystery bag and counting.

For an extension, consider putting more objects into the bag (up to 20).

Challenge of the Day
Materials: be creative use what you find at home!

Build a house for your favorite stuffy! What materials will you use? Where will you build it?

Show and share schedule

Mrs. Conley's Class

Tuesday December 15: Brooks, Bennett, Luke

Wednesday December 16: Tavi, Allison, Mila

Mrs. Mask's AM Class

Tuesday December 15: Nathan, Jack S

Wednesday December 16: Bella, Gregory, Athan

Mrs. Mask's PM Class

Tuesday December 15: Gibson, James, 

Wednesday December 16: Damon, Claire, Dante

Spirit Days are happening at Eric Harvie for December! Each Thursday in December there will be a new theme for everyone! 

December 17th – Pajama day


We are so excited to see what you come up with! Let’s Light Up our Hearts this December!  


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