Monday May 31

We will be going outside for phys. ed this week so please dress for the weather (hats, screenscreen-please apply prior to coming to school) Today we practiced writing familiar words and labelling our ideas with beginning letter sounds. We used a spring picture to help us get ideas as we begin writing stories. We continued to look at adding two groups of numbers together and played a dice addition game. We had music, centers and gym. NO school Friday as it is a PD day. We are asking if each child can bring in a clean plastic lid (yogurt, sour cream, cream cheese, hummus etc.) for an upcoming plasticine art project. Please label the lid with your child's name. All lids need to be at school by Wednesday June 9. Thank you :) I see butterflies, trees, sun, nature, flowers, grass. I see butterflies. I like flowers. I can play. I see fences. I like to play.